Quality care charter
Your assurance of excellent dental care and close personal attention
We won’t hurt you
We’re committed to painless dentistry and want you to be relaxed and comfortable at all times.
We’ll look after you properly
This means making the most of the latest techniques, materials and equipment. We are fanatical about cleanliness in the surgery and utilise modern sterilisation methods with single-use disposable items. And the majority of our treatments are guaranteed for added peace of mind.
We won’t tell you off
We’re all human… so we offer friendly, considered advice – not preaching. Our staff are sympathetic, caring and understanding.
We’ll always think long-term…
Our family dental care is prevention orientated. We want you to achieve lasting results – including a great-looking smile, properly functioning teeth and a mouth free from pain and infection… for life.
We’ll always listen to you…
Your concerns, questions and needs are important. We’ll treat them as such – and take the time to explain your options.
We’ll treat you as an individual
You’ll receive tailored advice that’s appropriate to your specific needs and a detailed, written care plan.
We’ll be clear over fees
You’ll always get a written estimate and we’ll explain exactly what our fees cover and when they’ll become due.
We’ll make it easy for you to come to us
We offer convenient appointment times – including evenings and Saturdays – and on-site parking. If you need an emergency dentist we’ll be there for you. And we’ll do our best to keep to time – no-one likes waiting around!